Baldwin Royalty Committee

Our Committee is led by our Alumni, Chamber of Commerce Board Members and community volunteers.

Baldwin Royalty Committee has 6 ladies who ensure the program and needs of our royalty are met throughout the year.

Zyanya Arce, Alumni. Amy Campbell, Alumni and parent of Alumni. Carrie Krueger, Alumni Parent and Chamber of Commerce Administrator. Ryma Lindquist, Chamber of Commerce past President and royalty background. Maddy Peterson, Alumni. Please welcome our newest committee member, Candi Phernetton, Chamber of Commerce Treasurer and parent of neighboring royalty.

Assistant Royalty Committee

Baldwin Royalty Float Driver

We are fortunate to have received requests to volunteer wherever needed. Three of our four lovely assistant committee members are all Baldwin Royalty Alumni and our newest member, Abbi Hauschildt was a Roberts Royal Ambassador. Emilee Baguhn served as Miss Baldwin, Caroline Dobson also served as Miss Baldwin and Madison Lawrence served Baldwin Royalty as a Princess.

Our program has been blessed to have a generous community volunteer offer to be our parade float driver. Mr. Gary Hammond has traveled thousands of miles over the last 10 years making sure our royalty was on time and our float looks its very best at every event.